Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Here's to the Present

“You must learn to get in touch with the innermost essence of your being. This true essence is beyond the ego. It is fearless; it is free; it is immune to criticism; it does not fear challenge. It is beneath no one, superior to no one, and full of magic, mystery and enchantment.” –Deepak Chopra

One philosophy, which I try to always practice, is staying present. Staying in this state of now, and not fretting about the future, while also not dwelling in the past. I have come to the conclusion that this is the healthiest state to be in, but sometimes I think to fully appreciate the present and to be optimistic about the future, we must pause briefly, to look back.

Look back and see how far you have come and how you have prevailed. It’s quite remarkable to see how God has shaped us into something so beautiful out of this mess that we call our lives. Looking back only makes it clearer that your soul is being pulled toward a purpose far greater than your own understanding.

So stop planning and start feeling. Let go of that ridiculous need to control your life because if there is one thing I know for certain, its’ that we have absolutely no control over what happens in this chaotic universe. I’m not saying we shouldn’t have goals. No, goals are great! What I’m getting at is that we shouldn’t be taking the “safe route” in life, which would promise money and comfort. Who wants to look back on their deathbed and say, “Well that was boring, but at least I had enough money to get by.” Boo. That guy is missing the point. Life isn’t about getting by, it’s about growing and exploring and finding out whom you are. We were all blessed with a gift that sets us apart from the rest. Don’t let that go to waste. Discover it. Tend to it, and watch, as you grow to become the being you were meant to be. This can only occur if we let go of the unnecessary control and go with our gut. You know that natural instinct we all have? My father once said that our gut is a piece of God, which lies in all of us. He’s our compass, forever guiding us with our own intuition. Let yourself be guided and not the guide. Truly tune into your intuition and actually listen to it for once. You will not be mislead.

So here’s to feeling rather than thinking your way through life. Here’s to the present.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

How To Actually Resolve Those Resolutions

      Every new year brings a sense of rebirth, a second chance. We tell ourselves "this year, it will be different." We make our lists with bold aspirations and hopes for the year, feeling excited for change. A week goes by... you've managed to go to the gym twice and maybe you've bought all the necessary means to begin that project but, the novelty begins to wear off. It happens to us all & frankly, it is just so hard to stay motivated. How can we keep this up all year?! 

     The secret to achieving your new years resolutions and so much more is simple...

     Firstly, why only have resolutions for the beginning of every year? That is just a silly idea. We should be constantly striving to better our selves and make changes in our life! If not we begin to fall back into the normal, mundane routine of living. Scratch that, not living, existing. To keep things exciting, fresh and inspiring, look forward to the beginning of every month. On the first, write down what you have accomplished in the previous month and also, the goals you have for the upcoming one. Additionally, write out your grander goals that will take a longer time to achieve and map out a plan to get there. Think about it. If one of your new year resolutions is to travel to far places.... how the heck will you get there by only writing about it once on January 1st. Huge goals, require thorough planning. So, make it happen this time!

     Another great way to stay inspired is to create a dream board. I know, that sounds like a crappy project you had to do for 6th grade English, but really, it works! Cutting out pictures and displaying them on your wall of that dress you want to fit in, or that trip you want to go on, is a great daily reminder of what you are working for. So, you have your eyes on the prize, literally. You can get really creative with these too! Pinterest has tons of ideas just waiting to be pinned like this one...

      Lastly, brag about it. A little self absorption is good for the soul, sometimes. Blog about your adventures, progress, and journey to becoming the better you! Your story can be an inspiration for many, as well. Just don't be a jerk about it. 

& if the thought of people knowing all about you, makes you cringe, then start a journal. It is always rewarding to look back and see how far you've come, whether it's public or private.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Ad/ven/ture: an unusual & exciting, typically hazardous, experience or activity.

"Don't let your dreams be dreams..." Jack Johnson

It's beginning to look a lot like autumn here in Boone town. My favorite time of the year. The pictures below are a bunch of random adventures that I've been on in the past month and they just kind of show how I'm feeling right now... Adventurous. I'm starting out on a new journey in my life and I couldn't be more elated//scared//joyful. I am about to switch my major from Nursing to Sustainable Development. I know, it's a total 180 but, isn't college a time to find who you are and what you love? & I think I've found it. I have this burning passion to explore, see the world, and to help the less fortunate. I think I can accomplish those goals and so much more in this field of work. It is kind of scary to think about all of my aspirations becoming realities but, I'm ready to go for it & really step out of my comfort zone. This has been a struggle for me to change my major, since I have been dead set on nursing ever since 10th grade. I thought that nursing was what I was placed on this earth to do but, whenever I think that I have it all figured out, God says "think again" & sends a curve ball my way. My first year of college did not go as planned and despite the countless hours of studying, I did not make the grades I really needed to compete for a spot in the Nursing program. So, entering this year I had to make a choice: Continue with nursing and maybe get in or change my major completely. There was a lot of doubt, frustration and tears but, God has really been faithful and has guided me to something that really gets me excited & inspired. I could not be happier.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Madness on a Tuesday

"The human spirit needs places where nature has not been rearranged by the hand of man." -Unknown

I have always thought the fencing for pastures was there to keep the cows in, but now I know that it is to keep people out. I am definitely fearless and always down for any adventure, but this time I think I may have taken it a tad too far. There are gorgeous pastures that run along the blue ridge parkway, full of golden fields and flowers for days. I just couldn't help myself and had to climb over the barbwire fence. Bad idea. I explored for a while and came to an open meadow surrounded by trees and deer grazing at the weeds. In mid snapshot, I heard from across the pasture an angry moo. I looked to my left and charging at me was an enraged bull. I ran for dear life, through creeks and thorns as an insane cow was on the hunt for me. I escaped with cuts and bruises as my evidence for my story. Probably the scariest experience of my life, but so worth the pictures that I captured. I found another near by pasture, and despite my recent near death experience I chose to climb over the gate once again. Best idea. I ran up to the very tallest hill and literally had an "on top of a mountain experience." I ran, screamed, danced, cried and laughed like a mad person. It was so crazy beautiful and I forgot all of my worries at that moment. I embraced the breath taking beauty that only God could create and for the first time in a while, I had no doubt that he was real.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


"Wake on up from your slumber, baby open up your eyes." -NeedToBreathe

This past Labor Day weekend, I spent it working with some of the greatest people you will ever meet. Arise is a Christian organization changing lives and sharing the Love of Jesus. They are not your stereotypical "sheltered" Christians though. They have all been broken down by life, and share their stories about how Jesus was their light in the dark. They are real people, dealing with real life, but are filled with so much joy that it's infectious. Their love for Christ is inspiring and I feel so loved and excited to take on the world by the end of every Arise weekend. I cannot wait to go work another Arise this winter with these amazing people that I like to call my family now.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Hikes in Boone

Oh hiking. What joy it brings to this soul of mine. It is the place where I can literally get a way from it all. The professors, the classes, the papers, the dramatic friends, the boys, what ever. Its the place where I can always find myself again, and also God. So here are some pictures of this magical place that I like to call home. Boone, NC.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Fripp Island

Fripp Island, located in beautiful South Carolina is my paradise. I have been coming here with my family almost every summer since I was six. We've had some wild memories there and continue to do so. This summer, we went with the lovely Barner's from Colorado, Quiggs from North Carolina & my boyfriend Brad.  Our adventures this year included, catching sharks, getting too close to alligators, racing golf carts, intense volleyball matches and making fools out of ourselves at Karaoke night.  It was hands down, one of my favorite vacations and sadly went by too fast. I can't wait to go back! But-See ya later Alligator ;)